SERVER_NEWJAR_URL=$(jq -rn -argjson url "$PACKAGE_MANIFEST_DATA" '$') PACKAGE_MANIFEST_DATA=$(curl -s "$PACKAGE_MANIFEST")Įcho "Parsing Package Manifest" > $NORMAL_OUT Was the target version incorrectly specified? If not then double check the Mojang version manifest by hand" > $ERROR_OUTĮcho "Downloading Package Manifest from: $PACKAGE_MANIFEST" > $NORMAL_OUT url')Įcho "Could not find target version: $VERSION_TARGET within the manifest file. PACKAGE_MANIFEST=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST_DATA" | jq -r -arg VERSION_TARGET "$VERSION_TARGET" '.versions |. VERSION_LATEST=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST_DATA" | jq -r '.latest.release' )Įcho "Latest released version: $VERSION_LATEST" > $NORMAL_OUTĮcho "Target version to download: $VERSION_TARGET" > $NORMAL_OUT VERSION_MANIFEST_DATA=$(curl -s "$VERSION_MANIFEST")Įcho "Parsing Version Manifest" > $NORMAL_OUT
Linux minecraft jar update#
Without this parameter, the latest release version is used"Įcho " -t, -test Test the Target Version SHA1 against the current file's SHA1 without changing any files"Įcho " -s, -silent Suppress script output, implies -yes"Įcho " -no-err Suppress error messages (Dangerous!)"Įcho " -temp-dir Specify a different temporary directory, default is $TEMP_DIR"Įcho " -jar-path Specify a different final JAR path, default is $JAR_PATH"Įcho " -manifest Specify a different version manifest URL, default is $VERSION_MANIFEST"Įcho " -h, -help Print this help message"Įcho " $0 -f Force update the existing JAR"Įcho " $0 -v 1.8.1 -y Update to 1.8.1 without asking for confirmation"Įcho "Clearing temp directory: $TEMP_DIR" > $NORMAL_OUTĮcho "Downloading Version Manifest from: $VERSION_MANIFEST" > $NORMAL_OUT
Linux minecraft jar license#
JAR_PATH='/home/minecraftuser/minecraftdir/server.jar'Įcho "-"Įcho "$0 - A tool for updating the minecraft server jar easily"Įcho "Written by: Andrew Haskell - Distributed under The MIT License (MIT)"Įcho " cURL Included in most major distributions package repositories"Įcho " jq Check your distribution repositories or build from source"Įcho " -f, -force If the Target Version SHA1 matches the current file's SHA1, force the update anyway, implies -yes"Įcho " -y, -yes Skip update confirmation"Įcho " -v, -version Specify a different target version. # Default Settings (Can be changed through parameters)
# sudo chmod +x "/srv/minecraft/server.jar" # sudo chmod 750 "/srv/minecraft/server.jar" # sudo chown minecraft:minecraft "/srv/minecraft/server.jar" -y -jar-path "/srv/minecraft/server.jar" # If you need to change permissions on the final server jar do it from # starting your server based on your setup. # Wrap this script in a wrapper script to take care of stopping and # This script merely updates the minecraft server jar. # cURLğor downloading of the manifest and jar files # Distributed under The MIT License (MIT) # A shell script for updating the minecraft server jar file on Linux Servers The main script itself does all the heavy lifting, and has many configurable parameters based upon your setup. JAR_PATH="/home/minecraft/server/server.jar" # Change this to point to your server.jarĬhown minecraft:minecraft $JAR_PATH #Change your user & group if needed While these scripts worked when originally posted, anyone can edit the wiki, and furthermore your system or setup may be different than was used to create them. The following is a simple example wrapper script for a setup using a separate user and group for the server, and a server that is started and stopped through systemd. Should you need to stop the server, change permissions on the newly downloaded file, and start the server again afterwards, a wrapper script is recommended. This script only handles updating the server JAR file itself.
Linux minecraft jar install#
To Install the required dependencies on a Debian platform perform the following commands To Install the required dependencies on CentOS 7 perform the following commands On other distributions it may be available, or may require installation from source. On CentOS 7 jq is available through the EPEL repository. The JSON parser jq is used to extract the relevant information out of the manifests. This script relies on cURL to handle downloading of Mojang manifests and the server JAR file itself. This script was written on CentOS 7 but should work for any POSIX compliant Linux distribution so long as the dependencies are available. Target installation version will default to the latest release, though any version can be specified. Default parameters can be modified within the script, or passed in as parameters. This is a detailed bash script to update a vanilla Minecraft server. This tutorial is exclusive to Java Edition.